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Rifle Bowling Pin Shoot

December 9, 2025 @ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every month that begins at 6:00 PM on day Second of the month, repeating until December 31, 2025

Like bowling but frustrated with your game? Then come on out for The Range at Ballantyne bowling pin shoot and take out your frustrations on the pins. This monthly event starts at 6:00pm.  Come join the fun!

If you are looking to start your journey into competitive shooting or just want to bring you teenager for friendly competition, this event is for you!

Bowling pin shoots are designed for beginners and novices alike!

All normal range rules and range safety rules apply.

Firearm type: rifles – generally 223/556 and 22lr work best, also handgun calibers (9mm)

Magazines/ammo: 2 magazines pre-loaded with 8 rounds each. Speed loaders and loose ammo allowed as well

Optics: 65 or older are allowed optics

Cost: $31 at the door $26 purchased online before the event


December 9, 2025
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM