Customer Consignments: I am hereby leaving my firearm/accessory at The Range for a consignment sale. The information below is my personal information and information about the firearm. I understand the following. If the firearm/accessory sells, I will receive either A.) store credit for 80% of the sale price of the firearm, or B.) cash payment (within 20 days of the firearm being picked up by the buyer) in the amount of 70% of the sales price. I am the legal owner of the firearm. If the firearm does not sell, I will be required to fill out a Form 4473 and go through the normal NICs purchase process (valid Concealed Carry permit/Pistol Purchase Permit/NICs background check, as applicable to the firearm) to repossess the firearm. I will also be charged a $30 NICs processing fee NC residents consigning a handgun or “other” at The Range at Ballantyne must reclaim their consignment at The Pineville Gun Shop (PGS). If the firearm does not sell within 90 days, consignee may be asked to lower the price or pickup the firearm. If the firearm does not sell within 180 days, the consignee will be asked to pickup the firearm. If the consignee is called to pickup the firearm and does not pick it up with 45 days of receiving the call and the firearm does not sell, The Range has the right to sell the firearm at a price it deems appropriate. Customer/Owner Name:(Required) First Last Date(Required) Month Day Year Email(Required) Cust Acct #:(Required)Phone(Required)SignatureCONSIGNED ITEM INFORMATION - NOTE: All consignments must go to Brian or Andrea for processing.Firearm(Required)PistolRevolverRifleShotgunReceiverOtherManufacturer:(Required)Model:(Required)Serial Number:(Required)Caliber:(Required)Any Included accessories/ammo/etc.?(Required) Yes No List Items Included(Required)Asking Price (Low)(Required)Asking Price (High)(Required)Form of Payment (The range will add $30 to the price to cover the transfer the customer will not receive an of this fee)(Required) Cash (70%) Store Credit (80%) Date Received by The Range(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Employee Receiving(Required) First Last NOTES: EVERY FIREARM LEAVING THE STORE REQUIRES A FORM 4473! PURCHASE OF CONSIGNED HANDGUNS and LONG GUNS REQUIRE THE MANDATED PURCHASE PERMIT and/or FBI NICS CHECK ACCORDING TO N.C. or S.C. STATE LAW ALL FIREARMS ARE CHARGED SALES TAX, which is on top of the asking price – Sale Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Sale PriceSold By First Last **FIREARM CONSIGNMENTS RETURNED TO CUSTOMER – FORM 4473 IS REQUIRED. Plus, Concealed Carry Permit or Pistol Purchase Permit, or FBI NICS check, as applicable and required! Plus a $30 NICs feeCustomer SignatureDate picked up by customer MM slash DD slash YYYY Range Employee First Last