Reserve a lane
Lane reservations are available for all of our guests. Lane reservations are $5.00 for a lane at a specific time. Maximum two people per lane. You have a 5 minute buffer on your time. If you are more than 5 minutes late for your reservation, a lane may not be available. This is only a reservation fee, you are still responsible for all other fees, including lane fees. The reservation fee is non refundable, and the reservation date and time can not be changed. Maximum of two lane reservations per person for a single time frame. Lane reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Your reservation is limited to an hour of lane time, if we are busy. Lane time starts at the start of your reservation time, so if you need to do liability forms, please come in early or get it done online before coming in.
To use the reserve a lane system, Select the category of “Lane Reservations”, select the service (either rifle lane reservations or pistol lane reservation). Pistol lanes are 15 yards and you can only shoot pistols, rifle lanes ar 25 yards and you can shoot rifles and pistols. Select your resource, which is your lane (you do not have to select a lane, and the lane you select may not be the one you get. If you select a lane and really want that lane, please include a comment in the notes). You will then enter your name, email and phone number. After doing this, click the “Next” button and it will take you to the available time slots. Once a time slot is selected, you can move the order to the cart and pay the fee for the lane.