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Rifle Bowling Pin Shoot

Like bowling but frustrated with your game? Then come on out for The Range at Ballantyne bowling pin shoot and take out your frustrations on the pins. This monthly event ...

How To Clean AR/AK

Many of our guests have requested a AR/AK cleaning class to learn how to breakdown, clean and more importantly reassemble your AR/AK.  This class is taught by one of our ...

Sass and Brass

Calling all female shooters who are ready to take their skills to the next level! This event is dedicated to learning and developing basic action pistol skills. This includes exercises ...

Event Series NSSF First Shots

NSSF First Shots

First Shots® provides quality instruction that emphasizes firearm safety and gives newcomers an opportunity to give shooting a try. Developed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and hosted by The Range at ...

Action Pistol

Action Pistol is open to all individuals who are interested in “Action” courses of fire, which combine speed and accuracy while shooting at multiple targets of steel and cardboard/ paper. ...

NSSF First Shots – Thursday

First Shots® provides quality instruction that emphasizes firearm safety and gives newcomers an opportunity to give shooting a try. Developed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and hosted by The Range at ...


AR Tactical Night is for experienced shooters who are looking to learn more and develop their skills further. This is a chance for some run and gun fun with the ...

Ladies Night

Our monthly ladies’ night includes all you need to learn fundamental skills and improve your shooting. Class fees include a rental firearm, eye and ear protection, a target, instructor assistance, ...